Career Plan

Career planning is of vital importance for the athlete to achieve their goals and consequent professional success.

We Work in a Personalized Way With Each Athlete

We adapt to their individual characteristics; age, position on the field, career goals, among other interpersonal aspects, which require the service to be planned and executed “on demand”.

We Chart the Path to Success

We provide a wide range of services and solutions to strategically chart the career plan.

We seek the best contracts, maximizing opportunities and ensuring successful trajectories for the athlete.

We provide psychological and psychiatric support to enhance the well-being and peak performance of athletes.

Legal Advisory
Image Management
Personal Management
New business
Financial advisory
Psychological support

Solution Map for Athletes

We offer a broad map of services and solutions to design the career plan, legal advisory, image management, personal management, new business prospecting, financial advisory, and psychological support, all so that the athlete can evolve by developing to the fullest on and off the field.

Breakdown of our services and solutions

Personal Management

Keeping our athletes physically and mentally centered and healthy is a goal in our business model; in this context, we have professionals on our team who will guide this preparation masterfully, guided by unique principles such as commitment, responsibility, and empathy.
In addition to these aspects, there is the evolution in the training and maintenance of the professional trajectory essential in terms of success.
Our athletes will be monitored through a wide range of services related to behavioral aspects such as food, clothing, language, good practice conduct, and other characteristics regarding daily life.

Image Management

Today, social networks play a fundamental role in building intellectual capital, so the athlete’s public image is essential for the evolution of their career. H3 Sports & Capital offers comprehensive services to work on the athlete’s image, always aiming for its loyalty to fans, the press, and clubs.
We partner with third-party professionals to provide press assistance to our athletes, creating game calls and seeking to highlight our athletes in the national and international media.

Financial Management

Our athletes will be advised to plan their financial lives, aiming to manage their assets correctly and make investments that will bring them peace of mind in the future; at this point, time management is fundamental given the brevity of the professional footballer’s career.
We will assist our athletes in acquiring real estate and other durable goods, providing accounting assistance, hiring insurance plans, and managing cash flow.

Sports Management

Modern football is extremely dynamic, and for this reason, we are aware that transfers are crucial in an athlete’s career; therefore, we provide all the support in decision-making, projecting and executing strategies for assertiveness in the athlete’s career development.
We are always attentive to market movements, seeking new opportunities within our circle of relationships so that our athletes continue to evolve in their careers, enjoying a close and good relationship with Brazilian and foreign clubs.

We know the importance of caution in drafting contract drafts during the athlete’s career. Therefore, it is essential to be properly legally supported; for this, we have a team of highly qualified professionals who defend the interests of their clients and assist in what is necessary, both in drafting, signing, and renewing contracts with clubs and sports equipment brands.
In addition, we act in assisting with tax, labor, and civil legal issues.

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